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550, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Länsgräns Dalarna/Örebro, between Gravendal and Länsgräns Dalarna/Örebro
555, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Lövsjön, between Salån and Lövsjön
554, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Håvån, between Håvberget and Håvån
548, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Nordtjärn, between Palahöjden and Nordtjärn
521, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Havskintjärn, between Laxtjärn and Havskintjärn
554, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Håvberget, between Håvån and Håvberget
558, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Norhyttan, between Lindesnäs and Norhyttan
521, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Tyngsjö, between Havskintjärn and Laxtjärn
550, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Säfsbacken, between Länsgräns Dalarna/Örebro and Gravendal
550, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Länsgräns Dalarna/Örebro, between Gravendal and Länsgräns Dalarna/Örebro
550, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Länsgräns Dalarna/Örebro, between Gravendal and Länsgräns Dalarna/Örebro
550, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Säfsbacken, between Länsgräns Dalarna/Örebro and Gravendal
552, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Råskmora, between Nittkvarn and Råskmora
550, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Säfsbacken, between Länsgräns Dalarna/Örebro and Gravendal
Road closed
552, one lane closed direction Nittkvarn, between Råskmora and Nittkvarn
552, roadworks direction Nittkvarn, between Råskmora and Nittkvarn
555, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Salån, near Lövsjön
555, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Salån, between Lövsjön and Salån
555, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Lövsjön, near Lövsjön
619, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Stora Snöån, between Klenshyttan and Stora Snöån
618, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Grängesberg, between Stora Snöån and Grängesberg
618, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Grängesberg, near Grängesberg
558, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Lindesnäs, between Norhyttan and Lindesnäs
618, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Stora Snöån, near Grängesberg
618, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Stora Snöån, between Grängesberg and Stora Snöån
552, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Nittkvarn, between Råskmora and Nittkvarn
559, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Västansjö, between Lögviken and Västansjö
619, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Klenshyttan, between Stora Snöån and Klenshyttan
559, obstruction(s) on the road {something that does block the road or part of it} direction Lögviken, between Västansjö and Lögviken